
Eleftheries ypo diapragmatefsi

Katáliakos, Giorgos

Eleftheries ypo diapragmatefsi

i thriskeftikí ekpaídefsi stin Kýpro kai stis chóres tis Evropaïkís 'Enosis
Nikosia, 2015

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Post-conflict development and civic imagination

Post-conflict development and civic imagination

(divided cities) ; conference and workshop, Saturday, May 25, 2013, organized by Archis Interventions in collaboration with Friedrich Ebert Foundation Cyprus
Nikosia, 2014

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When all players can win

Kyriacou, Praxoula Antniadou; Çilsal, Özlem Oğuz

When all players can win

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Tüm aktörler kazandiğinda

Kyriacou, Praxoula Antniadou; Çilsal, Özlem Oğuz

Tüm aktörler kazandiğinda

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Toplumsal cinsiyet ve öğretmenlik

Birey, Tegiye; Beyidoğlu Önen, Mehveş

Toplumsal cinsiyet ve öğretmenlik

öğretmenlerin bakiş açisi
Nikosia, 2019

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The state we are in

Officer, David; Taki, Yiouli

The state we are in

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... Gia ena kosmo choris bia ...

... Gia ena kosmo choris bia ...

Etesia periodike ekthese 2013
Nikosia, 2014

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Lesebuch der Sozialen Demokratie ; 1 / Griechisch

Lesebuch der Sozialen Demokratie ; 1 / Griechisch

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Kıbrıs deniz hidrokarbonları

Kıbrıs deniz hidrokarbonları

bölgesel siyaset ve servet dağilimin

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Cyprus offshore hydrocarbons

Cyprus offshore hydrocarbons

regional politics and wealth distribution

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Kypriakoi yperaktioi ydrogonanthrakes

Kypriakoi yperaktioi ydrogonanthrakes

periphereiake politike kai katanome tu plutu

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Cypriot perceptions of Turkey

Bryant, Rebecca; Yakinthou, Christalla

Cypriot perceptions of Turkey

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