The New Governance Team – operating under the auspices of the Institute of Directors (Cyprus Branch) – the European Institute of Management and Finance (EIMF), and the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung hosted a presentation and discussion on the importance of good corporate governance in the public sector. During the presentation the newly released Public Governance Code Framework, recently finalized by the New Governance Team, was presented to the public.
The value of good governance is emphasised in the European Commission’s recent recommendation for Cyprus, which calls the country to adopt key legislative reforms aimed at improving efficiency in the public sector, including governance of state-owned entities and local authorities.
Under the auspices of the Institute of Directors (Cyprus Branch) and in response to the overwhelming public demand, the New Governance Team (‘NGT’), comprised of volunteers from the public, private and other sectors with long experience in this or related fields, has developed a code of governance specifically for the Cypriot public sector. Further presentations on the topics of “The Importance of Risk Management in Good Governance” (Maria Papadaki) and “Good Governance in Action: Practical Case Studies” (Amira El-Sayed) embedded the public launch of the Code of Governance thematically.
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+357 22 377 336
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