The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Winpeace-Cyprus and Winpeace Greece and Turkey will hold a Youth Camp on “Peace Education and a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence”; the event aims at planting the seeds for a culture of peace and non-violent communication amongst the three countries Greece, Turkey, both sides of the divide in Cyprus as well as the region.
Greece, Turkey and both parts of Cyprus are linked in a confrontational relationship because of the Cyprus problem. Hostile stereotypes and lack of contact characterize the relationship between Greece and the Greek Cypriots and Turks and Turkish Cypriots on the other side.
Young persons are the future citizens and leaders of tomorrow and therefore peace education and the fostering of a culture of non-violence amongst them is essential for a peaceful co-existence and cooperation among the four entities.
20, Stasandrou, Apt. 401 CY 1060 Nicosia Zypern
+357 22 377 336
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